How to Get the Most from Your ILACP Membership:
Members Only Forum

June 20, 2023

In this Article:
How to Set Up Notifications
Where to Find Members Only Forum
How to Use Members Only Forum
How to Subscribe or Favorite a Topic


ILACP Members Only Forum

The Community Forum provides an area for ILACP members to engage in conversation with one another, share files, and subscribe to their favorite topics. The main forum category is the "Members Only Forum".

In the Members Only Forum different topics can be created such as Q&A, Policy Sharing, Police Department Spotlights, Training Topics, and more. Within each topic discussions can be had that are only visible to ILACP members. You can ask questions, share stories, exchange documents or photos, and more! This is a free and private service provided only to ILACP members who are the only ones who can view it. Have a favorite topic you wish to follow? Simply hit the subscribe button at the top of the page.

Before navigating to the Members Only Forum, ensure that your ILACP profile is set up so you will receive notifications if someone responds to your question, a new topic is posted, you receive an ILACP email, etc.

How to Set Up Notifications

Log into your ILACP account on the homepage of the website.

Select "My Profile" under the Quick Links section.

Select "Settings" under your profile.


Toggle on the selection under Mailing Lists.


Once you have subscribed to a forum or topic (instructions are in the section below), you can alter how you wish to receive the notifications.


How to Access Members Only Forum

Log into your ILACP account on the homepage of the website.

Select "ILACP Members Only Forum" under the Quick Links section.

Select Members Only Forum on the Community Page.

Once you are inside the Members Only Forum you can check out the different topics, select one you're interested in viewing or posting in and enjoy the interactions with fellow ILACP members in a private setting.

Within a particular topic, users can reply to the topic, subscribe to the topic, or mark the topic as one of their favorites.

  • Replying to the topic would add a new response to the topic list. Replies can include file attachments, which is perfect for meeting minutes, conference notes, etc.

Have a favorite topic you wish to follow? Simply hit the subscribe button at the top of the page.

  • Subscribing to a topic means that anytime a user replies to a specific post, anyone who has clicked "Subscribe" will receive an email with a link to the forum post. Users can view a list of My Subscribes, where they can quickly un-subscribe from any topics no longer relevant to them.


  • Favoriting a topic will add the topic to a user’s My Favorites list. This list is available anytime under My Posts on your Profile, and can act as a running list of topics a user is interested in revisiting later. Unlike "Subscribe," users won’t receive emails when they favorite a topic, so this is a less intrusive way of staying up to date on topics relevant to you.