Mentorship Program

The Illinois Association of Chiefs of Police (ILACP) is starting a free Mentorship Program to help new chiefs in Illinois hit the ground running. We want to help new chiefs start their leadership careers off on the right foot and ensure they have the support of those who've done it all before. 

Mentoring has long been an informal way of building loyalty and giving a sense of belonging in the profession. This new ILACP program aims to pair up new chiefs who want a mentor with an active or retired chief who is also a member. The mentor would be from an area that is geographically similar as well as a department of approximately the same size.

Mentors will be a guiding hand as the new chiefs navigate their new position. They are asked to be a confidant and advisor on issues that may pop up as well as speak on things chiefs may come across in their first year or two of being a chief.

If you are a new chief who would like to have a mentor, register here.

If you would like to offer to be a mentor, click here.

2023 Mentorship Program

To accomplish the goals of the Mentorship Program there will be certain requirements for the mentor and the new chief:

  • Initial in-person meeting with lunch paid for by ILACP
  • Contact once a week for the first two months (text, quick phone call, or zoom)
  • Biweekly contact for the next four months (text, quick phone call, or zoom)
  • Monthly contact starting at the 6-month mark of the mentoring relationship
  • In-person meeting once a quarter if the new chief and mentor live around the same area.
  • Written plan by the new chief and mentor outlining a career development plan with goals


Mentor Qualifications:

  • Must be an active or retired law enforcement officer who served as a chief of police in Illinois for at least three years
  • Must be an ILACP member in good standing
  • Click here to apply to be a mentor


New Chief/Protégé Qualifications

  • Must be a new chief in Illinois who was hired within the past year
  • Must be an ILACP member in good standing
  • Click here to apply to receive a mentor



Why Mentors Matter - ILACP Article
Illinois Chiefs and Their Mentors - ILACP Article