Updated April 20, 2020 GUIDELINES on EXPOSURE, TESTING, PPE, AND MOREGreat summary of best practices for LE from Homeland Security (April 20, 2020) NEW91-page ISP Resource Guide for law enforcement (April 9, 2020) NEWIDPH CLARIFIES that addresses where there is COVID-19 can be released to LE (April 3, 2020)Earlier ILACP documents:
Still have questions? See additional documents below, and send your questions to [email protected]. OTHER DOCUMENTSGuidance and scenarios from Cook County Sheriff's Department (March 19, 2020)Helpful documents regarding HIPAA and release of information to LE:
Helpful documents from Illinois State Police:
Illinois Department of Public Health frequent updatesIllinois Municipal League COVID resourcesChild care assistance for law enforcement during crisis
7 business/technology services offered to Illinois law enforcement:
Attention Members: Important message about this website The resources offered and suggested consideration for policy development contained in the addendums on this website are based on review of and reference to CDC and IDPH guidance (unless otherwise specifically noted). In many instances the CDC or IDPH guidance is not specifically directed to law enforcement but is offered because it applies to analogous or similar situations. Moreover, it should be noted that the medical guidance for COVID-19 management, diagnosis, and treatment is evolving and policies my need to be updated based on changing medical guidance. In this evolving environment CDC and IDPH resources materials should be reviewed as frequently as possible--no less than weekly for changes and policy changes should be made accordingly. This information was compiled and /or created by the Illinois Association of Chiefs of Police in collaboration with the Illinois State Police, Cook County Sheriff’s Department, and state medical personnel to ILACP members and their agencies identify issues for policy development and provide resource information for policy formulation . With respect to the materials offered on this website and in the attached addenda the ILACP expressly makes the following disclaimer: DISCLAIMER: The documents and information on this website, including but not specifically limited to the Addenda, DO NOT CONSTITUTE MEDICAL AND/OR LEGAL ADVICE. These documents and this information is offered solely for the use and consideration of ILACP Members. ILACP Members and their agencies are expressly advised to consult their local health authorities and legal counsel to provide medical and legal advice in preparing appropriate policies.